2019年6月8日 星期六
中美貿易戰 虞和芳 8.6.19.發佈
中美貿易戰 虞和芳 8.6.19.發佈
YuPing (YP) Cheng
The US business people lost their game against the Chinese. Then, like all the losers, the US turned around and said: "You cheat and you manipulate currency!"
KP Chang說:
It has become increasingly clear that China-US clash is centered in the ideological differences of their respective political systems. These differences are irreconcilable. the trade war is just a reflection of this fundamental conflict and is not going to end anytime soon.
The US can only win the trade war by improving her own efficiency of manufacturing.
KP Chang
They want to protect their own interest and they feel Chinese is evil and inferior. It is much more than just ideology differences.
KP Chang
Western political system based presumably on democracy, liberty and freedom is genuinely believed by many as the best and most virtuous versus the model perceived as autocratic. Both systems are conceivably flawed one way or the other. Trump doesn't preach this point, but the majority in the West does take this seriously as the foundation principles of their nations in their objection to China's political ideology.
2019年6月7日 下午5:14 (16 小時前)
Please do not be fooled by the term "sino-US trade war". This is the fighting between no.1 and no. 2 and how the world order will be set or redefined. The jokes of US president Trump is nothing but some dressings for the occasion. Make no mistakes that in the US, both republican and democrats all share or have sentiments against China, and both trying very hard to use "Taiwan" to aggravate China, same as "North Korean" been used until Trump foolishly thought he could handle baby Kim by himself, the rest is history.“
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