2019年6月5日 星期三

從一篇報導“每天更多的步行與老年婦女的死亡率降低有關”說起 虞和芳 6.6.19.發佈

從一篇報導“每天更多的步行與老年婦女的死亡率降低有關”說起 虞和芳 6.6.19.發佈 感謝Daniel寄來一檔中文檔名“從醫學研究証明;多走幾步就多活幾年”。 這篇報導,說明出“每天更多的步行數與老年婦女的死亡率降低有關”,這也正是此報導的原文More Steps Per Day Tied to Lower Mortality in Older Women標題 這篇報導很有意義,因為正如作者寫道:“目前的研究提供了獨特的貢獻,因為關於步行數目與死亡率之間關聯的數據很少。” 也因此之故,本人(虞和芳),翻譯英文原文為中文和錄下英文原文,供參考。這並不是說,我的翻譯有多好。翻譯工作很不容易,比自己寫文還難。google的翻譯便利讀者許多閱讀外文的方便,大部分都翻譯的不錯,不過有時可能會弄錯了意思,曾遇到過,剛好翻譯成相反的意思。 讀Daniel寄來的Fwd: [Health] 醫學研究証明;多走幾步就多活幾年;More Steps Per Day Tied to Lower Mortality in Older Women 題目中文的翻譯跟英文原文有些出入走調。這正是有趣的地方。 中國有多走幾步就能夠增加朝代的傳說。 希臘神話中有,抓一把沙子,能夠活多少年的傳說,請見: http://yuhefang.blogspot.com/2017/10/cumaean-sibyl.html 活到一千歲的Cumaean Sibyl庫梅安 西比爾 活到一千歲的Cumaean Sibyl庫梅安 西比爾         虞和芳 Cumaean Sibyl為古希臘羅馬的女巫,為女預言家.                              她是在神話中最有名的一位女預言家.太陽神Apollo阿波羅給她預知的本領,和一千年的歲月.據云阿波羅要她抓一把手的沙,她在手中抓了一大把沙,每一粒代表她能活一年的生命. 在希臘神話中, Cumaean Sibyl庫梅安 西比爾,忘記向阿波羅要求繼續年輕.當她慢慢年老時,再向阿波羅要求年輕時,他拒絕給她年輕,因為她摒斥他的愛. 她在Cumae庫梅的地窖內待了一千年.當她幫助Aeneas欸尼亞斯時, 她為700歲. 這個小故事,使人想到中國古代姜太公的傳說,他坐在車上,要文王推車,文王推了幾百步後,推不動了.他鼓勵文王盡力推,到了824步後,文王停下腳步,說他實在推不動了.這時姜太公說:「好了,周王朝只有這個年數.」 當文王一聽這句話,還要馬上繼續推,但是命數已成定局,改變不了. 我們可以看到,古往今來,多少人在繞著時間,年代,年輕的這個問題在週轉,在思想,期望能夠打破時間的界線.在人的觀念中,只有神,能夠給人這種長生的特權,但是在神話中,往往人只能稍得到神寵愛的一點餘渣. 下面是Daniel寄來原文,虞和芳翻譯成中文 “每天更多的步行與老年婦女的死亡率降低有關” Veronica Hackethal,醫學博士,2019年5月29日 根據今天在線發表在JAMA Internal Medicine上的一項研究,同時在美國運動醫學學院(ACSM)2019年會上發表的研究表明,每天步行少至4400步可能會降低老年女性全因死亡的風險。 死亡風險隨著每天步數的增加而下降,這些好處在7500步/天后趨於平穩。 此研究首次評估走路的步行強度與長期健康結果之間的關係,並發現步行強度似乎對死亡率沒有影響。 “這些研究結果可能是對許多久坐不動人的鼓勵,每天10,000步,這是一個無法實現的目標,”來自Massachusetts州波士頓哈佛醫學院的作者I-Min Lee,MBBS,ScD及其同事寫道。 普遍的信念認為,每天10,000步可以改善健康狀況。許多用於測量步數設備的軟件程序(例如智能手機應用程序)使用10,000個步,作為默認目標。然而,沒有多少研究支持這個數字。 作者寫道:“目前的研究提供了獨特的貢獻,因為關於步的數與死亡率之間關聯的數據很少。” 美國健康與人類服務部2018年針對美國人的身體活動指南使用分鐘而非步的數目,並建議每週150分鐘的中等強度身體活動,包括快走。 然而,計算步數的想法可能更容易轉化為臨床實踐,特別是因為許多設備已備有測量步行數的項目。 為了更好地了解步/日與健康益處之間的關聯,研究人員分析參與女性健康研究的一個女性亞組的數據,這是一項評估小劑量阿司匹林和維生素E對心血管疾病影響的隨機試驗。和45歲及以上女性的癌症預防。 當更大規模的試驗結束時,研究人員邀請女性參加2011年至2015年的觀察性隊列研究。參與者佩戴ActiGraph加速度計,客觀地測量在整個7天內醒來時所採取的步數。 該分析包括16,741名女性,她們的“步數數據”可以成功下載,並且符合佩戴加速度計的要求。包括的女性平均年齡為72歲,平均步數為5499步/天。研究人員追踪女性的平均方式為4.3年,其間有504名女性死亡。 在調整年齡,ActiGraph磨損時間,吸煙狀況,飲酒,一般健康以及與癌症或CVD風險相關的10個因素後,全因死亡率的風險隨著每天步數的增加而顯著降低(趨勢P, <.01)。 與每天行走最少步數的女性(中位數2718)相比,每天行走4363步的女性全因死亡風險降低41%(風險比[HR],0.59; 95%置信區間[CI],0.47 - 0.75。在每天行走5905步(HR,0.54; 95%CI,0.41 - 0.72)的女性中,這種風險下降46%,對於走最多步數/天的女性,這一風險降低了58%(中位數8442; HR, 0.42; 95%CI,0.30-0.60)。 每增加1000步/天,全因死亡風險逐漸下降15%。然而,這個好處穩定在約7500步/天。 對每天步數調整的步強度分析表明,步強度對死亡率幾乎沒有影響(P為趨勢,。03),表明走路的步數 - 而不是步行強度 - 對於影響婦女老年人的死亡風險可能更為重要。 作者提到了一些研究限制。較大的女性健康研究的參與者主要是白人,具有較高的社會經濟地位。在美國較大的人群中,這個亞組研究中的女性可能比大多數女性更活躍。由於這些原因,結果可能不適用於更多樣化的人群,活躍少的女性或男性。 感謝Daniel將這篇英文整篇的綠下,我去查網路,點擊More Steps Per Day Tied to Lower Mortality in Older Women,一共有469.000.000 結果,此文中,每一片段的英文分別出現,很多是擷取其中一段做評論。 下面是英文原文: More Steps Per Day Tied to Lower Mortality in Older Women Veronica Hackethal, MD May 29, 2019 Walking as few as 4400 steps per day may decrease the risk for all-cause mortality among older women, according to a study published online today in JAMA Internal Medicine and presented simultaneously at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 2019 Annual Meeting. The risk for death fell with increasing number of steps per day, and these benefits leveled off after 7500 steps/day.  The study is the first to evaluate the association between step intensity and long-term health outcomes, and it found the intensity of walking did not seem to have an impact on mortality. "These findings may serve as encouragement to the many sedentary individuals for whom 10,000 steps/day pose an unattainable goal," write author I-Min Lee, MBBS, ScD, from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues. Widespread belief holds that 10,000 steps/day improves health. Many software programs for devices that measure steps, such as smartphone apps, use 10,000 steps as a default goal. Yet not much research supports that number. "The present study provides a unique contribution because there are few data on the association between steps and mortality," the authors write. The US Health and Human Services 2018 physical activity guidelines for Americans use minutes rather than steps and recommend 150 min/week of moderate intensity physical activity, including brisk walking. Yet the idea of counting steps may translate more easily into clinical practice, particularly because many devices already measure steps. To get a better idea of the association between steps/day and health benefits, researchers analyzed data from a subgroup of women who participated in the Women's Health Study, a randomized trial that evaluated the effect of low-dose aspirin and vitamin E on cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention in women ages 45 years and older. When the larger trial ended, researchers invited women to participate in an observational cohort study, which took place from 2011 to 2015. Participants wore ActiGraph accelerometers to objectively measure steps taken during their waking hours throughout a 7-day period. The analysis included 16,741 women whose "steps data" could be successfully downloaded, and who were compliant with wearing the accelerometer. Included women had a mean age of 72 years, and a mean step count of 5499 steps/day. Researchers followed women for a mean of 4.3 years, during which time 504 women died. After adjustment for age, ActiGraph wear time, smoking status, alcohol use, general health, and 10 factors related to risk for cancer or CVD, the risk for all-cause mortality significantly decreased with increasing number of steps per day (P for trend, < .01). Compared with women who took the fewest steps per day (median 2718), women who took 4363 steps per day had 41% decreased risk for all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 0.59; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.47 - 0.75. This risk dropped by 46% among women who took 5905 steps/day (HR, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.41 - 0.72), and by 58% for women who took the most steps/day (median 8442; HR, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.30 - 0.60). The risk for all-cause mortality progressively fell by 15% for each additional 1000 steps/day. However, this benefit leveled off at about 7500 steps/day. Analyses of step intensity adjusted for steps per day suggested step intensity had little effect on mortality (P for trend, .03), suggesting the number of steps walked — rather than intensity of walking — may be more important to affect risk for death in older women. The authors mentioned several study limitations. Participants in the larger women's health study were primarily white and had a high socioeconomic status. Women in this substudy may have been more active than women in the larger US population. For these reasons, the results may not apply to a more diverse population, less active women, or men.



余虞對話 中華文明益四方 虞和芳 4.12.24.發佈

余虞對話 4.12.24. 中華文明益四方 余處長:感謝大作是三首分享,回敬數語致意。 中華文明益四方 孔老哲學揚西方 易經透過傳教士 翻譯洋文紛紛仿 啟蒙時代德代表 數學大家Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 驚嘆易經數0、...