2020年11月16日 星期一

我們這一代人的傳承作用 虞和芳 16.11.2020

我們這一代人的傳承作用 虞和芳 16.11.2020發佈 我們這一代還聽說過祖父,父母一代的事,我們的下一代可能就會對他們的史跡不再有印象。我們具有傳承的任務。 下面是回覆同學一信,說明我們的傳承任務和使命。 Dear 宇平: 來信中提到令尊身任重職而清廉,這種節操和他在日記中所述,這是你的傳家之寶。他所說的要你焚燒他的日記,其實就是對你品德的考驗,其實是希望和信任。 這是他所以沒有自己燒毀,而是交代給你來做此事,正是他生前,不好說明當時的遭受,而待事過境遷後,他的兒子有朝一日能夠了解他的為人而還以歷史的真相。幸虧你保存了他的日記二十多年,在適當時機,你翻出來閱讀,不只是啟發你,也影響到你交往朋友間的對“My father’s diary”的珍惜,鼓勵你將它發表出來,這是我們上一代留下來的遺產,這是歷史,每一個人都應該對歷史的真相有所認識。系國也談及他的祖父一代的歷史,這是多麼的珍貴。 “A World War II veteran’s timeless words for his son — and his country ” 裡面的字句看出一位面臨生死戰爭的年輕父親的勇敢,認知,超越生死的情懷,有不少句子流露出生命的傳遞,愛和價值的重要:I gave you something of my life when you came into being, but, at the same time, you gave me something intangible that has a value in life which cannot be measured, the pride and joy of re-creation, the completion of one’s cycle of life, for this I am indebted to you.” 令尊生下你,對你也一定有這種喜悅。 “I am glad for your sake that you were born an American, and, as you grow older, you will realize how many advantages and limitless opportunities lie before you. . . . Our country is not spotless or above reproach, but the precepts upon which it was founded still rule, and the fundamental conception of freedom, justice, equality, rights and religion make it a land of opportunity. 。。。I have seen enough of the world to know what all that means now. Before this experience, I was taking it for granted and did not realize what it would mean not to have it.。。。He urged me to embrace “desirable character traits that are as fundamental as life itself, obedience, truthfulness, kindness, sincerity, tolerance, fruitfulness, and respect for other people’s rights.” And to “acquire a true sense of values so that you can recognize the things in life that are really important. . . . Learn to love beauty, wherever you find it, music, scenery, books, anything. Develop an inquisitive mind and always remember education is a never ending process. Culture is not a feminine word or a sissy trait. . . . Respect money for what it can do for you, but realize its limitations. Beyond a certain point it adds nothing to life. Never confuse ambition with greed.” 。。。 這些都是我們能夠學習到和感受到在西方美國,給予的機會,我們都享受到戰後西方的文明,機會。使我們能夠了解生命的真諦。同時我們要感激能夠在台灣長大,接受到最高學府教育的薰陶,我們比千千萬萬跟我們在同一個年代生存空間時間的許多人要幸福,我們也正在做回饋家庭社會國家的點點滴滴。 感謝來函和寄來這份Jeffrey H. Smith 父親給他的信件。 祝福 安好 虞和芳 16.11.2020.



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