2020年4月16日 星期四
文化不同,殊途同歸 虞和芳 16.4.2020發佈
文化不同,殊途同歸 虞和芳 16.4.2020發佈
Dear Professor Ochinowski,
Thank you very much for your friendly and philosophical point of view over the Easter in your country “Easter is coming. This is a special time of enjoying the phenomenon of Life (natural and spiritual at the same time) in my culture. Three days before Easter Sunday are called Holy Week. We meditate on the mysteries of suffering and death then. So this mysterious triangle: suffer, death and life has a special meaning in this year, at the time of pandemic.”
It is true, your country is exceptional, in the history, suffered three time divided by Russia , Germany. Your national anthem: Poland Is Not Yet Lost”,
I wrote a thesis which was published in 歐洲國際評論,第三期,2007 年,頁 85-105
Paris in Comparison with Warsaw: During and After the Second World War ––The Suffering and Development Yu Ho-fang∗ Abstract
“The Second World War has an enormous influence on Europe and the whole world. Germany attacked Poland on 1.9.1939 and the Second World War began immediately. After Warsaw was sieged and overcome, Nazi began a terrible regime there. German built a lot of Concentration Camps in Poland in order to reach the aim of genocide against Jews and Polish people.
Paris was ruled by Germany and at the end of the war, Hitler commanded General Dietrich von Choltitz to level Paris with the ground, but General Choltitz did not obey the order. On the contrary, he saved Paris from the disasters.
This article is focused on the suffering, development and influence of these two cities-- Paris and Warsaw during and after the Second World War. How they reacted to the German occupation and how they dealt with the after war problems. In addition, this article tried to gain an overview via analysis the terrible experience of the war, how the three countries—Germany, France and Poland tried to conciliate with each other and finally they are united under the“European Union”.
Keywords: Paris, Warsaw, genocide, Christian, European Union
Pope John Paul II is one of the greatest man in 20 century. I adorn him so much…
We Chinese have different culture, the core philosophy is focused on Confucius and Lao-zi. I-Jing is one of the most important canon which dominated Chinese cultural background. I myself is a catholic. So it is very nice to communicate with you.
Thank you for your praise on our motherland controlling pandemic so successfully and you missed Taiwan.
Prof. Kuo Wu-ping, the former Director of Graduate Institute of European Studies,Nan-Hua Uni. is now back from USA to Taiwan for Taiwan is successfully against this pandemic.
Wish you and your family remain healthy.
Best regards
Yu Ho-fang
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