2020年3月15日 星期日

今天德國媒體出現讚美台灣防疫完美的消息 虞和芳 15.3.2020發佈

今天德國媒體出現讚美台灣防疫完美的消息 虞和芳 15.3.2020發佈 歐洲尤其義大利COVID-19傳染的厲害。馬爾他前幾天才3例,昨天9例,今天一下就累積到18例,這是今天讀到怡婷的來信說明馬爾他居然到了18例。 昨天中午這邊的小超市Stev送食品來時,說馬爾他有9人感染,馬爾他政府嚴厲禁止義大利飛機降落馬爾他,而且凡是從國外來的人,都要在Quarantain檢疫隔離封鎖兩個星期。這種措施是必要。 根據RKI的發言,這種COVID-19有它傳染的自然發展的軌道,每隔一週感染人增加一倍,直到60%-70%的人受到感傳後,才會停止。當然不是每位感染上的人,都會得病,這正是它的可怕傳染。只有感染的5%的人,是嚴重案例,要在醫院治療,其餘的,也許以為是感冒,或許根本沒有症狀,但是卻會感染到別人。這是義大利,起初不以為意,而忽略了,等病重的人入院,醫院沒法一時容納那寫重症的人,以致義大利才會有那麼多的死亡案例。 台灣所以能夠控制得少於每週增加一倍的這種數目,引起歐美人士驚奇,以為台灣發佈受染的人數是假報的數字。我卻不這麼認為,昨天起身後,找尋台灣有關COVID-19的官方網站,讀了它後,我確信,台灣防疫措施成功,歐美人士小看台灣。 昨天我在blog上www.yuhefang.blogspot.com發佈一文:德國媒體特別談到台灣 記載此事。歐美小看台灣,所以我不得不說明,台灣防治COVID-19非常的最完善成功。 我將台灣的這個官方網站寄給v Bredow教授,也給Milada教授一個副本。他們曾經來南華大學當過客座教授。Milada教授昨晚給寄來一信 Milada Polisenska 3月14日 週六 下午9:08 (17 小時前) Dear Hofang, thank you for forwarding me this article. Just now,  the Czech on-line news published an article by an excellent and famous  Czech writer Radka Denemarkova (she received  four times - absolutely unique  - the highest Czech award for literature: Magnesia Litera). She is now in Taiwan   and wrote the same -that Taiwan was well prepared and reacted very well, the best of all countries,  on this Corona Virus, and that she is shocked how Europe is unprepared to face such situations). Wishing you all the best, Milada 我給她在晚上回覆一信: Hefang Yu 2020年3月14日 下午10:48 (15 小時前) Dear Milada: Thank you very much for informing me "an excellent and famous  Czech writer Radka Denemarkova (she received  four times - absolutely unique  - the highest Czech award for literature: Magnesia Litera). She is now in Taiwan   and wrote the same -that Taiwan was well prepared and reacted very well, the best of all countries,  on this Corona Virus, and that she is shocked how Europe is unprepared to face such situations). “. Yesterday evening as I heard the statement, it could not be true, that Taiwan has only 50 persons infected by Corona Virus, for this virus doubles its victims in one week.  I was very confused.  I did not believe, Taiwan delivered wrong data, but on the other hand, the expert saying was based on the natural rule of such virus.  I have to clear the fact.  So I found today morning the   Internet site  【不斷更新】武漢肺炎大事記:從全球到台灣,疫情如何發展 ... www.twreporter.org › 2019-ncov-epidemic The report is very clear and exact. It can not be wrong,  it will actualize every day.  You were as visiting professor in Nanhua Uni. you are always friendly to the students, so is Professor von Bredow. I am so glad and grateful to get your letter and this good news to justify“Taiwan was well prepared and reacted very well, the best of all countries,  on this Corona Virus.”, I will say, at least one of the best countries.    Dear Milada, Thank you very much.  Please take care of yourself. Best regards Yu Ho-fang14.3.2020 此英文信,並給幾位台灣和德國的學者教授寄去一個副本。 今天很可喜的就讀到德國媒體讚美台灣的消息。心中十分高興。 台灣有很多特別值得讚揚之處。我在台灣求學時,台灣的郵政是世界上最好的郵政。 可是這種COVID-19防不勝防,昨天台灣是53人感染。台灣新增3名確診案例。案51(30多歲的荷蘭籍男性副機師)、案52(北部30多歲男性)與案53(北部30多歲男性),分別從荷蘭、瑞士與法國、德國慕尼黑紐倫堡來台、返國,研判都屬境外移入個案。 這種境外移入案,是很可怕,台灣一定要嚴加管制。不可因此又受到此病毒的回傳再次感傳。



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