2019年12月4日 星期三
樓頂上的membrance的情況 虞和芳 4.12.19.發佈
樓頂上的membrance的情況 虞和芳 4.12.19.發佈
Hefang Yu
11月22日 週五 下午8:02 (12 天前)
寄給 grechmarbles、 Stefan、 我
Dear Mr. Grech:
Good evening.
How are you? Mr Grech, since a long long time, we have not heard from each other. You are an honest man and with ability and responsibility. We are missing you.
2011 you made Entrance floor with Maltese round color design, and Hall with white and black marble, staircase with gray marbles. We are satisfied with you.
You made also tiles on the small terrace. It is still good.
But our terrace on top, ca 80 sq meter, it is still with membrane. We would like to change it to tiles.
We would be very glad to see you again and hope you can arrange the work.
Please contact us with mail or mobile:79301592 to inform us about the appointment when you can come to our site.
Thank you very much
Best regards
Dr. Yu Hofang
241 Two Gates Street
Senglea ISL 1200
在2019年11月23日 上午9:34 (11 天前)
寄給 danielschembri71、 Stefan、 我
Dear Daniel Schrembri:
Good morning!
Three years ago we made totally membrane on our roof terrace, ca. 80 square meter by Kenneth Camilleri for ten years guarantee. But now some connection are loosing, and we can not find Kenneth Camilleri. He is disappeared.
Can you try to repair it.
Our site ist 241 Two Gates street, Senglea, ISL 1200, near Gardjola Garden.
Please inform us, wenn you can come and repair the loosing membrane.
Thank you.
Best Regards
Dr. Yu Ho fang
241 Two Gates street, Senglea, ISL 1200,
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