2021年11月29日 星期一

虞和芳簡介  虞和芳 29.11.21.發佈

虞和芳簡介  虞和芳 29.11.21.發佈 虞和芳於1965年畢業於國立台灣大學外國語文學系。 1972年12月在德國馬堡大學取得哲學博士學位。 1973年赴美國曾在New Jersey州Seton Hall大學中文系進修一門語言授課,此大學中文系的租系主任介紹在紐約的大學兼漢語教學。 在這期間,本人在當時紐約中醫協會會長房煜林老師中醫診所下和他在紐約針灸中心工作的崗位,當他助手實習。 1974年到1981年在德國巴伐利亞州立圖書館的中國部門做事。每年一個月休假,都去美國跟房大夫,和加州的周治華大夫繼續在美學習和相互討論中醫的實踐。他們倆位都要留我在他們的診所,立即可以在美跟他們合作。但是我要在德國開業。德國在這領域,還很少中國人開業,因為拿不到德國籍,不能加入自然醫學考試。中醫屬於自然醫學的範疇。在這期間,夜間和週末以中國醫學,在不同的慕尼黑及近郊的社區大學教授一般民眾中國醫學的知識。那時德國人士,逐漸對中國醫學了解並在Oriental Service中心開課教授德國的西醫醫生和自然醫學醫生針灸理論和實習。 1980年取到德國籍,那時的規定,才有資格報名參加自然醫學行醫的考試。立即興辦診所,自此以自然醫學在德國行醫二十年,這是一個很重要的中醫文化溝通的領域和管道。不遺餘力的宣揚中國文化。 德國巴發里亞公立電視台健康節目,要播放中醫治療疾病的節目,邀請本人參與合作。由電視台先計畫安排醫學節目,第一個節目是兩人以穴道按摩,我為此寫一本“點穴按摩”的小冊子。診所1980年底開設後,由電視台派遣病人治療,觀察治療的後果,以紀錄片先後加上醫學講座。一共拍攝6部45分鐘的醫學電視節目,以德文出版5本關於中醫的書籍,供觀眾參考。 8. 1985年我在德國慕尼黑發起舉辦「中國醫學週」,這使中西醫合作溝通付諸實現。德國衛生部和慕尼黑市長,兩所大學的醫學院教授都參與,中國衛生部外事處派遣李傳杰,焦國瑞等教授和西醫教授參與。1986年由Schulz出版社發佈一本德文此中國醫學週書。巴伐利亞電視台特地趁此“中國醫學週”,也邀請李教授參加此電視節目,它的主題是“Mit Nadeln oder Tabletten gegen Kopfschmerzen”. 本人和李教授為此節目合寫一本“Akupunktur”書。從中國衛生部在我們訪問北京時,贈送一個銀勳章獎勵。 9. 2006年起本人受邀於南華大學,跨歐洲研究所,自然醫學研究所兩所的領域教學。這是在台灣第一位跨此兩所不同的領域教學的教授。 10. 我們對中德文化溝通繼續努力。在馬爾他設立Dolphin Foundation,跟不同的大學溝通合作,如台大,政大,雲林科技大學,南華大學。在南華大學還舉辦研討會,其中有一場是中德關係,還邀請中國的馬雲教授來參加。也曾邀請馬爾他的Briguglio教授到台灣講座。 11. 本人以德文出版的有5本有關中醫的小冊子,那是為六次醫學講座,為德國觀眾出版的小冊子。一本德文Möwig Verlag 出版的“Schön und Fit durch Akupressur”。 中文著作。本人以自然醫學和中醫有關的書藉有8本, 如《盛行歐洲的自然醫學》、自然醫學治療敏感症、病人在說話、身心靈的自然醫學、瑜珈養生術、歐洲自然醫學溯源等,此外還有中德關係由南華大學出版的三本小冊,在歐洲國際評論“期刊內發表(第八,九,十期)。 此外在南華大學參加過不少的國際研討會,還有特定的中德關係的國際研討會等。請見一些附件。 敬祝 安康 虞和芳上 29.11.21. Introduction : Prof. Dr. Yu Hefang 1965 Yu Hefang graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of National Taiwan University. 1972 December, obtained Ph.D. degree from Philipps Universität Marburg Germany. 1973, in United States studied a Chinese language teaching course at Seton Hall University. The director of the Chinese Department introduced me to teach Chinese language at the university in New York.   During this period I worked as an assistant of Dr. Fang, Yulin at his private clinic, and also with him in the New York Acupuncture Center. Dr. Fang was the chairman of the New York Chinese Medicine Association at the time. From 1974 to 1981, I worked in the Chinese department of the Bavarian State Library. Every year on a one-month vacation, I used  to fly to the United States, working with  Dr. Fang and Dr. Zhou Zhihua (in California) continuing the practice of Chinese medicine. Both of them invited me stay in their clinic and work with them in the United States. But I preferred to open a clinic in Germany. Chinese medicine belongs to the category of natural medicine. During this period, I held lectures over Chinese medicine for general public at different community colleges in Munich and suburbs in the evening and on weekends. At that time, Germans gradually learned about Chinese medicine. I also taught German western and natural medicine doctors, acupuncture theory and internships at the Oriental Service Center. 1980, after obtaining German nationality , it was only eligible to register for the examination of natural medicine practice under the regulations at that time. I established a clinic immediately and practice medicine in Germany for 20 years with natural medicine since then. This is a very important field and channel for cultural communication of Chinese medicine. Sparing no effort to promote Chinese culture. The health program of Bavaria public television station in Germany will broadcast the program of Chinese medicine treatment of diseases, and invite me to participate in the cooperation. The first program was acupuncture massage for two persons. For this, I wrote a booklet on “Acupuncture Massage". After the clinic was opened at the end of 1980, the TV station sent patients for treatment to observe the consequences of the treatment and added medical lectures with documentaries.  During this period , I engaged  in total of 6 films with 45-minute medical TV programs, and 5 books on Chinese medicine were published in German for the audience's reference. 8. In 1985, I initiated the "Chinese Medical Week" in Munich, Germany, which made the cooperation and communication between Chinese and Western medicines come true. The German Ministry of Health and the Mayor of Munich, as well as the professors of the medical schools of the two universities, participated. The Foreign Affairs Office of the Ministry of Health of China sent Li Chuanjie, Jiao Guorui and other professors of Western medicine to participate. In 1986, the Chinese Medical Weekly Book was published by Schulz Publishing House with the title “Woche der Chinesischen Medizin in München”. Bavarian TV took advantage of this "Chinese Medical Week" and invited Professor Li to participate in this TV as guest. he theme of it is "Mit Nadeln oder Tabletten gegen Kopfschmerzen". With Professor Li together co-wrote a book "Akupunktur" for this program. From the Ministry of Health of China when we visited Beijing, we received a silver medal award. 9. Since 2006, I have been invited to teach in the fields of Nanhua University, Graduate Institute of European Studies and Graduate Institute of Natural Healing Sciences. This is the first professor in Taiwan to teach across these two different fields. 10. We continue to work hard on Sino-German cultural communication. Set up the Dolphin Foundation in Malta to communicate and cooperate with different universities, such as National Taiwan University, National Chengzhi University, Yunlin University of Science and Technology, and Nanhua University. The Nanhwa University also held seminars, including one on Sino-German relations, and invited Professor Jack Ma from China to participate. Dolphin Foundation also invited Professor Briguglio from Malta to give lectures in Taiwan. 11. I have published 5 pamphlets on Chinese medicine in German. These are pamphlets for six medical lectures for German audiences. A book "Schön und Fit durch Akupressur" published by Möwig Verlag in German. Chinese writings. I have 8 books related to natural medicine and Chinese medicine, Such as “Popularity of Natural Medicine in Europe", “ Naturopathy to treat allergies” ““Patients are Speaking” “Natural medicine of body and mind”,” Yoga regimen”,” Traceability of European natural medicine, etc. There are also three booklets on Sino-German relations published by Nanhua University in “International European Comments “Journals Seri 8, 9, 10. In addition, I have participated in many international seminars at Nanhua University, as well as specific international seminars on Sino-German relations. Please see some attachments.



余虞對話 回敬余老 虞和芳 17.1.25.發佈

余虞對話 17.1.25. 謝余老 余處長:感謝大作詩三首分享,回敬數語致意。 余老詩詞感人深 情文並茂傳心神 行雲流水智慧具 引經據典學問深 經驗豐富內容透 小虞對話不嫌陋 每日分享詩三首 抒情揚智時代聲 獲益匪淺繞樑升 四年收集上千首 編輯成冊為事...