2021年2月24日 星期三

從微觀看宏觀 虞和芳 25.2.21.發佈

從微觀看宏觀 虞和芳 25.2.21.發佈 Paul從他描寫的菜園一隅現象談到達爾文的進化論,描寫的非常生動,下面是給他的回函 Dear Paul: 拜讀這篇大作“Watch From Ocean Tower, 917: A DARWINIAN FOREST IN MY BACKYARD GARDEN !” 它描寫的細膩,看出你耕種開發園地的辛苦和樂趣,令人不覺想起李紳的詩“鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾下土;誰知盤中飧,. 粒粒皆辛苦“的詩句。 是的你的田園樂是可以想像。 你發現“Defiantly, the hawk flipped her wings and dived into the bushes to catch the birds. My presence did not spoil her appetite at all ! I stepped back and was on my way to get my slingshot. Then I asked myself "What do I want a dead hawk for?" So, I got home and got back to some desk work. I went back this morning to check up and found the hawk was gone. There were two piles of feathers separated by about  10 yards.  "Poor birds !" I said to myself. Maybe my garden has always been a Darwinian Forest of survival for the fittest but the macrocosmic version never showed until the arrival of the hawk and bird while the microcosmic part never did stop !“ 這種microcosmic小型微觀世界,正看出“Darwinian Forest of survival for the fittest“,這是macrocosmic 的世界的適者生存定律。 事實上,微觀世界可以反映出宏觀世界。這是中國易經闡明天人合一的重要,易經的陰陽0,1的兩位極小的數字,成為今日數位電腦等複雜儀器的來源,中國醫學就是導源於易經的陰陽學說。 陰陽的相互運動,為相對相依的兩種元素的配合相對運動,產生動力,演變成易經的64卦。世界和人世的終而復始,生生不息的規律,看出微觀和宏觀的相連關係,也看出和諧共處的重要。感謝寄來此文分享。 祝福 安康 虞和芳 25.2.21.



Damon 和Phintias的友誼 虞和芳 21.2.25.發佈

Damon 和Phintias的友誼 虞和芳 21.2.25.發佈 Damon 和 Phintias(古希臘語:Δάμων Dámōn, Φιντίας Phintías)是公元前 4 世紀古代故事中的英雄,頌揚他們兩人的友誼和忠誠。故事...