2020年11月10日 星期二

在Cambridge Dictionaries Online上看到可能會產生的新字 虞和芳 10.9.2020

Cambridge Dictionaries Online上看到可能會產生的新字              虞和芳                10.9.2020發佈

昨天我在Cambridge Dictionaries上查詢英文字,那裡出現幾個有人用到的新字,詢問讀者的意見,



November 09, 2020

mancom noun [C]

UK /ˈmæn.kɒm/ US /ˈmæn.kɑːm/

a romantic comedy film in which the story is seen from the viewpoint of a male character

Kindie noun [U]


a style of music that appeals equally to children and adults and that is mainly written and performed by independent musicians who do not work for a large music company

In Germany, Baked Beans are the latest exponents of a prospering trend of “Kindie” bands that are wielding serious commercial clout in a music industry transformed by online streaming services.

[The Observer, 12 April 2020]

Should Kindie be added to the dictionary?

quit lit noun [U]


a type of book that gives advice on how to stop drinking alcohol; or a type of book that discusses the experience of resigning from one’s job in academia

Once you start reading quit lit – you can’t help but keep seeking more. As a voracious reader, I get it. Without further ado, I’m bringing you the ultimate quit lit book list along with a few recommendations from other genres that can help continue your journey of discovery.

[thisnakedmind.com, 31 July 2020]

If you’re reading quit lit, you’ve likely been in higher education long enough to have experienced the disillusionment of the academic job market. You understand how universities work and see a need for transformation in the academic job market, in the use of contingent faculty and graduate student labor, and in the structure of PhD programs. 

[beyondprof.com, 7 March 2020]

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Quite interesting to know the new words which are in the forming tendencies.

One can't have enough time to learn everything new, but one may have sometimes the chance to meet such circumstance, which I like to grasp it and learn it. It is called in Chinese "yuan so like today I just to have by chance this  "yuan“. I cherish it, and thanks to have such encounters.

Dr.Yu Ho-fang


9.11.2020.Quite interesting to know the new words which are in the forming tendencies.

One can't have enough time to learn everything new, but one may have sometimes the chance to meet such circumstance, which I like to grasp it and learn it. It is called in Chinese "yuan so like today I just to have by chance this  "yuan“. I cherish it, and thanks to have such encounters.

Dr.Yu Ho-fang





余虞對話悲歡離合是人生 虞和芳 19.9.24. 發佈

余虞對話19.9.24. 悲歡離合是人生 余處長:感謝大作詩五首分享,回敬數語致意。 英雄難過美人關 除害禦敵上戰場 悲歡離合見人生 有名例子拿破崙 時來運轉媒體現 媒體報導發生事 寫文傳媒現風轉 可點擊 巴黎報社 1815年對流放的拿破崙從Elba島嶼登陸的報導 虞...